Choose the correct answer.
1 My friends aren'twasn'tdidn'tweren't at school last week, so I didn't have anyone to talk to.
2 'What happened in end of the film?' ~ 'I don't know. I weren'twasn'twas watching. I fell asleep.'
3 Chloe studied chemistry at school, but she didn't likeddidn't likeswasn't likingdidn't like it much.
4 There wereThere wasThere is a problem with Instagram in the morning. I couldn't upload my photos.
5 Ubul did ranwas runranwas running past the sweetshop every day without stopping.
6 ' You did seeSaw youDid you see the film last night?' ~ 'Which one?'
7 It wasThere wereThere was over a million visitors to the cathedral last year.
8 We liked the house we rented for our skiing holiday but there weren'tthere wasn'tthere isn't a fireplace.
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