Choose the correct answer.
1 I don't know Mikail's address because I forgetI've been forgettingI've forgettedI've forgotten to bring it with me.
2 'Have you ever wentgobeen to a fancy dress party?' ~ 'Yes, I went last year. I was a Superman.'
3 I heardI've heardI hearI'm hearing this music before. Can you tell me what it's called?
4 How long are you wearingdo you wearhave you worn glasses? ~ For about five years.
5 'How long has she beenis shewas she in this class?' ~ 'Since last Monday.'
6 He's seeHe's sawHe's seen that film at least 15 times.
7 Amara has everhas neverhasn't never flown in a plane. She's terrified of flying.
8 I moved to Slovakia fourteen years ago. I've lived in Slovakia fourteenfor fourteensome years.
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